Current Bibliographies

The Current Bibliography has been a regular feature of the AWSS newsletter and website for many years. The late June Pachuta Farris (University of Chicago) compiled and shared the bibliography semi-annually. June's last bibliography, for January-June 2018, is posted here.  Her archive may be found below.  Since June's untimely death, a team comprised of Nora Dolliver (New York Public Library), Karen Rosneck (University of Wisconsin- Madison), and Christine Worobec (Northern Illinois University) has been compiling the bibliography. Many thanks to Adrienne Seely (Chicago Public Library) for assisting with the first few issues beginning with June 2018.

Nora Dolliver has left the the team at the beginning of 2024 after six years of dedicated service.  Many, many thanks Nora for your dedication to this multi-year, multi-disciplinary, and multi-national project!

AWSS has also published a special issue of the AWSS Bibliography on Ukraine covering 2014-2022 and compiled & edited by Mariia Shynkarenko, Christine D. Worobec, and Karen Rosneck.

AWSS Bibliography July-December 2023

AWSS Bibliography January-June 2023

AWSS Bibliography July-December 2022

AWSS Bibliography January-June 2022

AWSS Bibliography Special Issue - Ukraine 2014-2022

AWSS Bibliography July-December 2021

Jan-June 2021 Bibliography

July-Dec 2020 Bibliography

Jan-June 2020 Bibliography

July-Dec 2019 Bibliography

Jan-June 2019 Bibliography

July-Dec 2018 Bibliography

January-June 2018 Bibliography


Mary Zirin Bibliography

The Slavic Reference Service has compiled Mary Zirin's bibliography of pre-Revolutionary women writers into an online bibliography using Omeka. It contains about 3,500 entries. In addition to Mary's bibliography, it also contains a collection of reference resources she consulted while creating her bibliography, which contains about 400 items. Please send any comments to

June Pachuta Farris's Bibliographies Archive